Author Guidelines

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Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

This guide or instructions contains information on requirements necessary for initial paper submissions. Authors are recommended to read these guidelines prior to the submission for easy and quick process.

Manuscript Submission

Authors should follow length and format of a manuscript submission according to requirements by the publisher at the submission stage.

Please make sure that the article submitted for possible publication is not under review or consideration elsewhere simultaneously.

Manuscript Style and Formats:

Formats & Layouts: Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word DOC, DOCX and RTF. Manuscripts submitted in MS Word documents should not be locked or protected by author.

All the submissions must be in Standard English following proper consistency throughout the paper.

Length: There are no restrictions on word count or length of the article, number of figures/tables and supplementary information. Authors are encouraged to present the research findings concisely for better understanding to readers.

Authors should clearly mention the titles namely headings, subheadings and respective subtitles in the manuscript.

Article Preparation Guidelines

Types of Articles: Accepted types of articles include original articles, reviews, mini reviews, case reports, commentaries, editorials, letters to the editor, abstracts, addendums, announcements, book reviews, rapid communications, short communications, annual meeting abstracts, conference proceedings, corrections, discussions, meeting-reports, news, orations, product reviews and hypotheses.

Cover Letter:

All the submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter briefly stating the importance of research, agreement of authors for publication, word count, number of figures and tables and supplementary information.

Also, include author’s details like address, current telephone and fax numbers, E-mail address of corresponding author to maintain proper communication.


Submitted articles should have an abstract of up to 300 words for the manuscript. The abstract should include an informative introduction to the field, a brief account of the principle of the work with a statement of the main conclusions and findings. The abstract should not include any cited references, numbers, abbreviations or measurements unless essential. Standard nomenclature should be used avoiding abbreviations. The preferable abstract format should describe research background, methods, results and conclusion.

Keywords / Abbreviations: A list of keywords (3-10) should be included. Abbreviations should also be provided if necessary. Abbreviations should be defined upon first inclusion in the text.

Manuscript Title: The title of the manuscript should express the contents of the paper in brief.

The title should be limited to 25 words or less and should not contain any abbreviations.

Author Information: Full name, affiliation of all the authors, contact information of corresponding author (Telephone, Fax and E-mail address) should be provided.

Body Text:

Introduction: This section should set the tone of the paper by providing a reasonable statement of the study, and the relevant literature on the study according to the proposed methodology. The introduction should attract a reader’s attention from a broad range of ific community.

Materials and Methods: A complete overview of the study design, descriptions of materials, methods, comparisons, interventions and analysis should be mentioned. Any new procedures should be described well and the existing procedures mentioned should be cited. Trade names should be capitalized mentioning the manufacturer’s details.

Results: The Results should provide experimental details that are required to support the conclusion of the study. The results should be presented in the past tense when describing findings in the authors’ experiments. Present tense can be used to represent published

Conclusion/ Discussion: Discussion and conclusion may be combined or presented separately. Discussion section can include a detailed data interpretation. Conclusion can be an optional section.


This section should include acknowledgment of people, accurate grant details and funds, etc.The provided information will be published with the final accepted manuscript.

References: Only published and in press articles, book chapters should be cited as references.

References can be chosen from conference papers, scientific or technical reports, web pages, etc. Numbered citation (citation-sequence) method is preferable. References should be listed and numbered in the sequential order as appeared in the text. Citations numbers in the text should be indicated given in square brackets. One or more citations should be separated by commas and also a range should be given where there are three or more sequential citations. For example: [1,4-8,27].

Authors are requested to provide an online page link for each reference as following (preferably PubMed) as the cited references will be linked electronically.

Formatting references is mandatory for maintaining standard structure. If there are more than five authors in a citation, first five authors can be listed and then “et al.” is used to represent other authors.

Reference format: Author names (Year) Article title. Journal short title Vol: page numbers.

For example: Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL (2002) Solid organ transplants in HIV patients. Curr HIV Res 11: 218-224.


Tables should be presented in a simple way and only minimum tables should be included. All the tables should only be presented in table format in a word doc. Each table should be on a separate page with numbering and a self-explanatory heading and a legend. No table should be presented in picture format. Cells can be copied from an Excel sheet and pasted into a word document, but Excel file should not be embedded as objects into the word doc.


Figures should be preferably submitted in a word doc or as TIFF and JPEG formats with intended display size and high resolution.

Use numerical to label figures and upper case letters for their divisions (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 1A, etc.). Figure or Table legends should be presented with an appropriate and well defined title. Also the information given in legends should not be repeated in the main text. All the Figure legends should be typed in numerical order on a separate document.

Figure captions and table legends should be provided at the end of the manuscript.


We recommend using Math Type for mathematical expressions or equations. If equations cannot be encoded in MathML, then TIFF or EPS format can be used in separate files. Only when tables cannot be encoded as XML/SGML they can be submitted as graphical presentations. The font size in all equations and tables should be consistent and legible throughout all submissions in graphics.


Use correct and established nomenclature in the content where necessary.

Scientific names should be written in italics. Full genus and species should be mentioned for the first appearance in the text (e.g., Homo sapiens).  Later, the first letter of the genus can be followed by the full species name (e.g., H. sapiens).

Genes, mutations, genotypes, and alleles should be written in italics.

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Information (optional) such as figures, tables referred to an appropriate point in the main text of the paper should be submitted in separate word document.

Manuscript Proofs and Reprints:

Galley proof / Electronic proof copy (PDF) will be sent to the corresponding author. Authors are requested to check the proof copy which would be considered to be the final version. Only typographical or minor clerical errors will be considered for the changes. No other changes are allowed at the proof stage.

Authors can request the editorial office for ordering reprint copies of the article which are chargeable. Email us at: