Journal of Animal Science Research and Technology

  • International Peer-reviewed, Open Access Journal                                                                                                                                                        • ISSN: …. / ….

About the Journal:
Journal of Animal Science Research and Technology is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal devoted entirely to animals, including zoology and veterinary sciences.
Aim & Scope
Journal of Animal Science Research and Technology is a publishes original research articles, review articles in English in all fields of animal and poultry science: genetics and breeding, reproduction, reproductive engineering, nutrition, feeds and feeding, physiology, anatomy, environment and behavior, companion animals, wild animals, animal products (milk, meat, eggs and their by-products) and their processing, and livestock economics.
Topics include: genetics and breeding, physiology, nutrition of monogastric animals, nutrition of ruminants, animal products (milk, meat, eggs and their by-products) and their processing, grasslands and roughages, livestock environment, animal biotechnology, animal behavior and welfare.
Submission to the Journal is open to those who are interested in animal science.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Why Choose Our Journal:
» We maintain high standard peer review publications.
» We ensure optimum quality standard is maintained in every publication.
» Increased visibility of the publication and provides free, unrestricted global access.
» We provide higher readership, visibility and impact of your publications.
» The authors reserve the copyrights of the article and articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
⇒  Submit your manuscript for peer review via website at https://www.cmjpublishers.com/online-submission/ or email us at editorialoffice@cmjjournals.com
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